Wes Berwise & Raheem DeVaughn London Soul Talk Interview

RAHEEM DeVAUGHN LONDON SOULTALK INTERVIEW The ( Pre social-distancing & Lockdown ) Vault Series.


WBSS digs deep into its London vaults to bring you its latest series of quarantine & lock-down easing interviews, continuing with a conversation with Soul & R&B’s three-time Grammy nominee & self-acclaimed Love King, Raheem DeVaughn.

Raheem chatted humbly about the motivations behind his music, his tribute track to the late Maya Angelou, as well as discussing his non-profit organization, The LoveLife Foundation that enables him to embrace several causes closest to his heart, which include domestic violence, mental illness, cancer, education, music and the arts.

In addition he also discusses his experiences as an independent soul artist as well as sharing his future goals both personal & musical.

Wes Berwise & Raheem Devaughn Soul Talk London Interview https://bit.ly/2XuCrVu

Discover more about Raheem's LoveLife Foundation here: www.lovelifefoundationdmv.org/

Check out Raheem’s music here on our Youtube playlist: https://bit.ly/2ZnxU8o

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